classic woe2

…was yesterday? Oops.

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classic woe

completely forgot about today… so unless someone can supply logs, there will be no data except for the last 10 minutes

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classic woe missing data

The following periods are missing data:

  1. 13:00:00 ~ 13:01:02
  2. 13:03:46 ~ 13:05:16

There is also a low chance that other takeovers that occurred before 13:06:54 are missing.

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how to make mariadb 5.5.30 consume all your memory and crash

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 1
Server version: 5.5.30-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle, Monty Program Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [test]> create table foo (id int primary key, modified datetime not null);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)

MariaDB [test]> explain select a.* from foo a left join foo b on where a.modified>b.modified or b.modified is null;
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query

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Potting service announcement

Condensed white potion fee increased from 1200z to 1500z; transaction quantity now must be a multiple of 10000. These are direct results of the mail nerf.

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Potting service announcement

With the upcoming merge and changes to god items, my potter Renouille~ will no longer be ranked. If you still have any Renouille~’s potions, I suggest that you use them before the merge, or give/sell them to someone who will.

Our new ranked potter will be named ~Renouille. If you use the potting service, you should now mail items to @Renouille. If you use the potting service, you should still mail items to Renouille@.

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Posted in ragnarok | 2 Comments

classic woe missing data

My logging client was disconnected 18 minutes before the end of WoE. I had to reconstruct the missing time frame from Ragial logs which are incomplete because the bot sleeps for 90 seconds between crawls in addition to the time it takes to switch characters in mid-crawl. Because of this, the following periods are missing data:

  1. 14:43:35 ~ 14:45:05
  2. 14:47:51 ~ 14:49:21
  3. 14:52:03 ~ 14:53:33
  4. 14:56:27 ~ 14:57:57

Takeovers that occurred near a start/end boundary or during a character switch may also be missing. However, the castle holders at the end of WoE are correct.

Posted in castle status | 2 Comments

Server move has moved to a new server (for the first–and only–time in 5 years!)

The new server has a radically different setup. Please leave a comment if you find anything horribly wrong.

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classic woe stats added

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logs needed for valk/ygg woe

Valk woe is missing the first 31 minutes.
Ygg woe is missing the last 80 minutes.

Posted in castle status | 5 Comments